The Team Behind it All


Bethany Paquette

I grew up being active and playing whatever sport I could. Fishing and camping were also a large part of my up bringing. However, it wasn’t until part way through university that I found myself being drawn toward the world of guiding. It is then that my life changed directions. The more I guided the more I found myself drawn towards the outdoors. The more I did in nature the more I wanted to push my limits and explore. I find when I am in the great outdoors, everything just seems to make sense, all the worries of life disappear and it becomes about that moment and where I am right now.

I definitely find my self drawn to anything involving water, but really just enjoy being out in nature. I have recently become more serious with photography, in particular wildlife photography, and almost always have my camera on me no matter the activity or location.


Lauren Wonfor

I grew up in Calgary and spent the majority of my childhood hiking and camping with my family out of our VW van in the Alberta mountains. The rest of the time was spent running around my backyard pretending I was in the mountains. I have always felt the need to move and see other places and with the freedom of being a teenager I would pack a bag and set off. I studied anthropology in Prince Edward Island, worked with youth at-risk in Ontario, was a librarian in Quebec, a surf bum in Vancouver Island and waitressed at the Plain of Six Glaciers Teahouse in Lake Louise. Most recently I chased the landscapes of the North and have been working as a canoe and hiking guide in the summers and dogsled guide through the winters in the Yukon.

I adore taking people out and being a part of their awe and excitement about landscapes and the sense of accomplishment as our bodies transport us through wild places.


Mikeala Shaw

Being born and raised in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada, has gifted me with a unique and memorable upbringing. There is no doubt in my mind, that growing up in this amazing place has spoiled me with countless opportunities not found anywhere else. With vast wilderness at my fingertips throughout my childhood, it is no wonder it is always where I’ve felt like I belong. Leaving behind a half-finished music degree to return north and become a wilderness guide, and an outdoor educator, I have never looked back.

I enjoy rivers and snowmobiling the most, and, ironically, pristine silence. I love making people laugh, and I am definitely a dog person. I enjoy dark humour, sushi, all music, and cooking epic meals! I wish I were a morning person, but I am not, unless someone has presented me with a mug of strong black coffee that I did not have to get up and make myself.